The visual communication of neuroscience is in crisis.

One hundred and fifty years after the neuron was revealed against the dull ambience of grey matter, we have grown overfamiliar with the brain's image.

The non-scientific public are confronted with sophisticated digital visualisations that fuse biological imagery with statistical data, to create the illusion that the brain is a knowable scientific object.

These compelling fusion images are the instruments of neurohype, deployed to advance new forms of governance and capital.

The dismally low resolution of neuroscience’s imaging devices is concealed. Neuroscientists are not heroically illuminated by optogenetic light and brainbows, they are groping in the dark cave of the skull.

Neuroscience is decades away from mapping the brains of even the simplest intelligent organisms. From our current vantage, plotting the human connectome is a Borgesian fiction.

Neurovague is a call for uncertainty and abstraction in the visualisation of the human connectome. Ambiguous, considered, sincere abstraction.

Neurovague is not neuroscience sceptical. Neurovague is image critical.

Neurovague is a repository of original abstract images, freely offered for use in neuroscientific presentations. Composed of digital-biological-image-objects, no two Neurovague images are identical. No consistency, mimesis, or fusion with data are possible. The image repository will be available until all images have been specified or until it is replaced with a new repository.

These images, and the statements published at this website, are a provocation, made with the intention of initiating a novel form of dialogue between the fields of neuroscience and visual communication.

Neurovague is conceived, written, and art directed anonymously. Mona typeface by Karl Nawrot, Autopia typeface by Antoine Gelgon.